продавец: LAUGFS Europe B.V.
Нидерланды, Зевенар, Mercurion 30


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140/55-9 4.00" / EF / LAUGFS Ultima 3LAYER NM / TR (non-marking) шина цельнолитая

140/55-9 4.00" / EF / LAUGFS Ultima 3LAYER NM / TR (non-marking) шина цельнолитая

140/55-9 4.00" / EF / LAUGFS Ultima 3LAYER NM / TR (non-marking) шина цельнолитая
85,57 EUR
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минимум: 500
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Feel the ultimate performance! LAUGFS ULTIMA TYRES have been designed for extra durability and engineered using the finest quality raw material combined with the state of the art technology to ensure long lasting performance under challenging working conditions - being the undisputed choice of mainstream heavy duty machine operators. Note All prices are in EUR FOB - Colombo (Sri Lanka) basis Please add 5% for quick mounting tires and 25% for Non marking tires. Worldwide Industrial Tires Manufacturer Made In Sri Lanka | For heavy duty applications In our company you will find a reliable supplier (manufacturer) of High Quality & Natural Rubber based industrial solid tires at 4 price levels in the following segments: - Forklift ResilientTyres | RoRo & PON Tyres | Super Solid Tyres; - Construction SKS (Solid Grip) Tyres; - Dual Assembly Solid Tyres | Cured On Tyres I GSE Tyres.

Feel the ultimate performance!

LAUGFS ULTIMA TYRES have been designed for extra durability and engineered using the finest quality raw material combined with the state of the art technology to ensure long lasting performance under challenging working conditions - being the undisputed choice of mainstream heavy duty machine operators.


All prices are in EUR FOB - Colombo (Sri Lanka) basis

Please add 5% for quick mounting tires and 25% for Non marking tires.

Worldwide Industrial Tires Manufacturer

Made In Sri Lanka | For heavy duty applications

In our company you will find a reliable supplier (manufacturer) of High Quality & Natural Rubber based industrial solid tires at 4 price levels in the following segments:

- Forklift ResilientTyres | RoRo & PON Tyres | Super Solid Tyres;

- Construction SKS (Solid Grip) Tyres;

- Dual Assembly Solid Tyres | Cured On Tyres I GSE Tyres.

Feel the ultimate performance!

LAUGFS ULTIMA TYRES have been designed for extra durability and engineered using the finest quality raw material combined with the state of the art technology to ensure long lasting performance under challenging working conditions - being the undisputed choice of mainstream heavy duty machine operators.


All prices are in EUR FOB - Colombo (Sri Lanka) basis

Please add 5% for quick mounting tires and 25% for Non marking tires.

Worldwide Industrial Tires Manufacturer

Made In Sri Lanka | For heavy duty applications

In our company you will find a reliable supplier (manufacturer) of High Quality & Natural Rubber based industrial solid tires at 4 price levels in the following segments:

- Forklift ResilientTyres | RoRo & PON Tyres | Super Solid Tyres;

- Construction SKS (Solid Grip) Tyres;

- Dual Assembly Solid Tyres | Cured On Tyres I GSE Tyres.

LAUGFS LAUGFS • Артикул: 60002553

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